Budget Deliberations To Include $250,000 Per Year Toward New Arena Fund

Tonight’s Municipality of Chatham-Kent budget deliberations will include a proposal to begin setting aside $250,000 per year for arena replacement.

The budget item, which is an annual contribution from Chatham-Kent’s taxes, would go toward preparing for the replacement of Chatham-Kent’s aging arenas.

Recommended by Chatham-Kent’s Executive Management Team, the budget item has support of multiple councillors, but is likely to be a topic of debate.

Without current Provincial or Federal funding for an area, the plan would allow the Municipality to proactively plan for when funding support comes available.

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    Tom Heath 6 years

    Finally! But what are they going do about Memorial Arena iin the mean time?
    Demolition by neglect seems to be Administration &  Council’s plan for Memorial!
    I thought based on who was elected for this next term that there might some action finally taken!
    It’s been since 2015 when the renovation report was submitted.
    Maybe the next Mayor & Council will finally do something!