Dawson wins provincial eight-ball championship

Brier Dawson
Brier Dawson, 17 of Wallaceburg, recently won the Ontario VNEA 8-ball championship in
London on February 17.
Against a field of 21, Brier went undefeated throughout the tournament. This award accompanies his first-place finish in the Ontario 8-ball Shootout back in October. Brier will now play in the Canadian Championship in Niagara Falls in March and the World VNEA Junior Championships in Iowa in July.
Dawson received support from his friends, family and local community, especially Rod Phillips from “CUEISTIC” who supplied him with a custom-made cue and accessories. In addition, Dawson received support from the Canadian Belgian Dutch Club in Wallaceburg, which has donated to youth sports to help cover the costs of some travel expenses.