Dresden Minor Hockey Midget White split weekend games

Dresden, Ont- Submitted by Nancy Meredith – Saturday, Jan. 8th the Dresden White team hosted the Ridgetown team.

Dresden Minor Hockey Midget Whites - Dresden Ontario Sports News

Dresden Midget Whites

  Although this team had good sized players the Dresden team controlled the whole game.
In the first period, Dylan Medd would score 3 goals assisted by Reid Haskell, Dylan Bell and Kevin Howes.  Brian McNeil also scored assisted by Medd and Bell.  Dylan Bell from McNeil and Medd would end this period 5 to 0 for the Dresden White team.
In the 2nd period, Dresden mainly concentrated on their skating, passing and team plays.  Craig Zink scored with a great pass from Haskell and Tyler Bogaert, then Bogaert from Zink, and Bell from Howes. At the end of the 2nd period the score was 8 to 0.
In the 3rd period there was only one goal by McNeil from Bell and Bogaert.  This was a very clean game, no hitting after the play, no poking at the goalie even though the Ridgetown team must have been frustrated they did not take silly penalties.  Alex Pardy played great in net for Dresden who won 9-0.

Sunday, Jan. 9th Dresden traveled to Wallaceburg for a late afternoon game. This was a totally different team than they played in early December.  They had more players and they came to play the game.  Wallaceburg’s Z. Fraleigh started the scoring off for this game unassisted and that would be the only goal for this period.
In the 2nd period, Wallaceburg would get 2 more before Dresden’s Dylan Medd from Reid Haskell would answer back and at the buzzer at the end of the 2nd the score is 3 to 1 for Wallaceburg.
In the 3rd period Dresden played their best hockey, scoring 2 goals to tie the game, Medd from Bogaert and Zak Wilkinson, and Bell from Zink and Medd but unfortunately it would not be enough.
With only minutes left in the game Wallaceburg’s D. Robbins would get the go ahead goal.  Coach Pardy pulled the Dresden goalie but it was too late, Wallaceburg would score another empty net goal.
Although this Dresden team did not win this game, they fought right until the end buzzer and didn’t give up.  They played great hockey, they made awesome passes, showed great team work but just couldn’t bury the puck in the last few minutes of the game.  At the end of this game Wallaceburg won 6 to 3.  
Dresden Minor Hockey Association - Chatham-Kent Sports News Network 


Back row from left to right
Tyler Bogaert, Tyler Goetheyn, Reid Haskell, Zak Wilkinson, Kevin Howes, Derek Fraser,and Coach Steve Hardy
Middle row from left to right
Trainer Jim Goetheyn, Dylan Medd, Craig Zink, Brian McNeil and Manager Kent Wilkinson
Front row from left to right
Dylan Bell, Goalie Alex Pardy and Shad Robinson

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