CK Cougars President Selwyn Jordan Named Windsor Lancers Defensive Line Coach
For years, Selwyn Jordan has been building the Chatham-Kent Cougars football organization, and teaching Chatham-Kent youth the fundamentals of the game. Now, Jordan will have the chance to take his football knowledge to a new level as the defensive line coach with the University of Windsor Lancers football team.
Jordan is part of a reconstruction of the Windsor Lancers coaching staff after the former coaching group, including long time head coach Mike Morencie did not have their contracts renewed. Joe D’Amore has stepped in as the Windsor Lancers head coach.
Sel Jordan is the founder of the Chatham-Kent Cougars football organization which he started in 2006, and has coached football in Chatham-Kent for more than 10 years.
This new position with the University of Windsor is not Jordan’s first responsibilities with a Unversity program. In the past, Jordan has served as a video breakdown coach for both St. Francis Xavier (StFX) and the University of Windsor.
CKSN has also learned that other Chatham-Kent coaches have been approached to fill the remaining voids in the University of Windsor football coaching staff. Details on this will follow as announcements are made public by the Windsor Lancers.