Wallaceburg Red Devils Offer Free Admission for Home Opener to Minor Athletes

Wallaceburg Red Devils LogoFor all minor sports youth, the Wallaceburg Red Devils are offering free admission to their upcoming home opener for athletes wearing their club logos.

The Red Devils start their season on the road in Hamilton on April 23, but are building hype toward their April 30 home opener against Six Nations. Game time is 7:00pm at Wallaceburg Memorial Arena, and the team is expecting a large home crowd with their promotion giving all youth free admission if they wear any minor athletics club logo.

In preseason action, the Wallaceburg Red Devils went undefeated at an exhibition tournament in Windsor defeating the Windsor Clippers and Sarnia Pacers, and tying the London Blue Devils.

After  a successful preseason, the Wallaceburg Red Devils have high hopes for a winning Ontario Junior B Lacrosse season, starting April 30th with their home opener.

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