First Annual Tiger Paw Martial Arts Tournament Raises Over $2000 for Charity

The first annual Tiger Paw Martial Arts tournament featured an outpouring of talent, and of support for the local Chatham-Kent Sexual Assault Centre. In total, the tournament, which welcomed 85 competitors from across Southwestern Ontario to Tiger Paw in Wallaceburg, raised $2005.60 for the Centre.

Tiger Paw owner and Head Instructor Jason Turkington said he was thrilled with the response for the tournament, “It’s been really good. I’m happy with the turnout and it’s been a great day. This is going to become an annual event for Wallaceburg.”

Throughout the day, participants were competing in a variety of events showing off their skills in weaponry, self-defence, and combat sparring. As well, a board breaking challenge took centre stage as the top fundraiser for the Chatham-Kent Sexual Assault Centre, and an eye catcher for spectators and competitors alike. Tim Wilson, a student from Dynasty Martial Arts in Sarnia broke a miraculous ten 1 inch boards simultaneously.

Top money raisers in from the board breaking challenge were Chuck Stuart of Wallaceburg’s Tiger Paw Martial Arts, who led all participants with $230 in donations.  Running a close second was Tirzah Wilson of Dynasty Martial Arts Sarnia with $220.  Adriaan Zandvliet of Tiger Paw Martial Arts raised $155, while Madison Crawford of Tiger Paw Martial Arts, and Royce Creusot of Dynasty Martial Arts in Blenheim both raised $100 each.

Turkington said the decision to help the Chatham-Kent Sexual Assault Clinic was an easy one to make,

“We thought out of all the charities we looked at, they weren’t getting as much attention and support,” said Turkington,  “and the charity corresponds with the our teaching of self defence.

The hometown Tiger Paw Martial Arts also put on an incredible show during the demo competition taking top prize. Team captains Samantha Stokes, Aislyn King, and Libby Morgan entertained the crowd, and will also be leading the Tiger Paw demo team in several other performances across Chatham-Kent this summer.

Overall, the event was a huge success for Tiger Paw Martial Arts, the town of Wallaceburg, and the Chatham-Kent Sexual Assault Centre. Although the day was filled with competition, according to Tiger Paw owner Jason Turkington, in the end, it all comes back to the kids,

“It’s great seeing the kids smile, reaching their goals, and knowing they’ll be able to protect themselves in the future.”

Below is an image gallery from the Tiger Paw Martial Arts tournament. If you would like a copy of any photo, please visit the Chatham-Kent Sports Network Contact Page. Click on the images below to make them larger.

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    I would like to receive a copy of Image 4 and Image 7 from the article “First Annual Tiger Paw Martial Arts Tournament Raises Over $2000 for Charity”.

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    Sensei Paul Steward
    Owner/Senior Chief Instructor
    Kilworth Komoka Family Martial Arts