Corrente Homers Again As Brewers Shoot Down Cardinals


The Maple City Brewers continued their strong season of senior baseball defeating the Courtright Cardinals 5-1 at Fergie Jenkins Field Friday night.

After homering in his return to competitive baseball, Chatham’s David Corrente, a former Toronto Blue Jays prospect who came out of retirement to finish out the season with the Maple City Brewers hit a 4th inning lead off home run kicking off a 4 run inning.

Joel Smith went 2 for 2 including 2 RBIs in the 4th inning bringing Joey Hewak and Jason Shaw across home plate.

Terry Oulds took the win on the pitchers mound going 6 strong innings, allowing only 6 hits, 0 ERA, and striking out 3. Joey Hewak came in to close out the game striking out two in the 7th and final inning of the game.

The win brings the Maple City Brewers closer to the lead, currently held by the Sarnia Braves, in the Western Counties Baseball League.

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