Dream Season Ends for Novice 1 Wallaceburg Griffins

Wallaceburg Griffins Novice 1 Lacrosse Provincials

Wallaceburg Griffins Novice 1 at Lacrosse Provincials

A dream season for the Wallaceburg Griffins Novice 1 has come to an end. This past weekend, the Griffins travelled to the Provincial Lacrosse championships, competing in the ‘A’ division, Wallaceburg’s first team to compete in the ‘A’ division in more than 20 years.

The Wallaceburg Griffins opened up with the #2 ranked Burlington Chiefs and trailed 3-0 after the first period, but dominated the 2nd period before a late goal put the team down 4-2.  Trailing 6-3 late in the game, the Griffins gave up 2 empty netters and lost 8-3.  Tanner Cole, Tyler Davis and Seth Ewing all scored.  Cole added 2 assists with singles going to Riley Roe and Reece Dewagner.  Malcolm Vandevenne had a strong game between the pipes. 

Game 2 wouldn’t come any easier as the Griffins were matched up against the #3 rated Green Gaels of Clarington needing a win to advance.  The Wallaceburg Griffins trailed 2-0 after the first but clawed back and took it to the Gaels trailing 3-2 after 2 periods. The Griffins scored what appeared to be the tying goal midway through the third but the referee waved the goal off.  This proved costly as the Gaels responded with 2 late goals defeating Wallaceburg 6-3. 

“It was the most exciting game I’ve been involved with in years, it could have went either way. The boys played their hearts out,” said coach Jamie Knight. Tyler Davis had 2 goals and Roe had the other with assists going to Dewagner, Roe and Hunter Santsche.  Aiden Lucyk had a strong game in net for the Griffins. 

The 3rd matchup was versus Barrie and the Griffins again came slow out of the gates trailing 3-0 before responding with 3 quick goals of their own. The Novice 1’s however, went on to lose 9-7.  Cole MacKinnon had 2 goals with singles going to Ewing, Davis, Santsche, Evan Dumais and Riley Parker.  Reece Dewagner had 2 helpers with singles going to Dumais, Parker, Davis, Lucas Jacobs and AP tyke player Mason Myers. 

“Our goal was to go there, play hard and be competitive in every game. We had Clarington on the ropes taking it to them for a better part of the game and for me personally as a coach, that’s all I can ask of my boys,” said Knight

“I think the boys proved that they not only belonged but had a chance to win every game they were in.”

Clarington beat Burlington in the semi final and lost 4-1 to Whitby in the final.

Coach Knight recognized the efforts of his entire coaching staff and the parents as his team’s unbelievable season came to an end, “I want to thank my staff of Todd Knight, Rick Brown, Brad Dewagner and Jason Nantais and all my boys and their parents for their incredible commitment and dedication this summer, thank you all.”

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