Maddy Hiltz Golden at Ontario Beach Volleyball Provincials

Maddy Hiltz of Chatham Wins OVA Beach Volleyball Gold

Maddy Hiltz of Chatham (Centre-Right) Wins OVA Beach Volleyball Gold - Submitted Photo

Chatham’s Maddy Hiltz and Danielle Bentley of London won the gold medal in the Ontario Volleyball Associations 2011 Beach Provincials Championships help in Toronto on July 31st.

The 14-year-olds brought home the gold medal in the Under-15 Division II and qualified for the national tournament to be held August 26 through 28  in Toronto.

They entered the tournament ranked 11th and won the gold medal by defeating a London team in 2 games with scores of 21-16 and 21-17.

Hiltz attends Chatham-Kent Secondary School and is a member of the Chatham Ballhawks club volleyball program. Bentley attends Central Secondary School in London and is a member Forest City volleyball program. This is their first summer together as beach volleyball partners.


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