Tryouts and Training: For All the Aspiring Young Athletes Out There

How bad do you want it? It’s a simple question really. It’s tryout time for hockey players, young athletes heading to colleges and university, and even at the high school ranks.

As a coach, one of the biggest dissapointments is watching gifted athletes throw it all away. As a teen myself I knew I had more potential than I delivered, because I wasn’t willing to sacrifice. I wasn’t running at 6am, followed by a session in the gym afterschool…at least not everyday.

When my friends asked me to hang out, I didn’t say “no, I’ve got to train.” Which is why when I missed some opportunities in sport, I didn’t question why? Many athletes, especially teens don’t see the disconnect, and they don’t see that to truly be great in sports these days, you have to commit yourself and work hard, every day.

There is no entitlement, there are no sure things. Tryouts aren’t a one weekend or one week event, they’re a process that takes years. When you have a dream it’s important to start working toward it, rather than sitting idly hoping it will happen. Very few athletes know what it means to truly work hard, and very few “want it” bad enough.

I came across this video after a friend posted it, and I thought I would share it for our young athletes. Take a peak and then ask, “How bad do I want it?” Once you’ve answered that question, you can either keep sitting in front of the computer, watch some TV, or play a video game, or you can go for a run, practice, or head for the gym.

Do you want it as bad as you want to breathe? Always remember your friends, family, and faith are more important than any sport, but if you want it bad enough, those three things will also support you on your journey in sport.

Let the games begin.

How Bad Do You Want It

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