Local Basketball Players Crack Windsor Valiants Roster

Erin Sarapnicks, Shauney Fischer, Aryn Finley and Lindsay Elliott are now a members of the Windsor Valiants JUEL Team. JUEL Stands for Junior Elite League and is a league comprised of the best U19 teams in Ontario. These 18 teams play in a league called the JUEL of Ontario. The JUEL League was formed to increase the level and consistency of U19 girls basketball in Ontario. Many JUEL players go on to compete at the provincial and national level each year and many will play collegiate basketball in Canada or the USA.

Erin Sarapnicks is a returning grade 12 student at Wallaceburg District Secondary School who recently won a Kent Championship with the Tartans. Sarapnickas didn’t play club basketball last year however, Windsor Valiants Coach Paul Levac had high priase for Sarapnickas, “She is a wing who has the ability to drain the three and slice to the basket. She will play a great deal this year on our team because of her rebouding from the three man position.”

Another grade 12 student at Wallaceburg District Secondary School, Shauney Fischer, who played for the Chatham-Kent Wildcats last year, also earned top billing from Levac, who says Fischer will eventually excel beyond the Windsor Valiants, “She’s a gem, solid and tough and we are very excited about her ability. She can post up, shoot the three and attacks the basket with the best of them. She will be a player at the next level. No question”

Aryn Finley, a grade 11 student at Ursuline College in Chatham, who played for the Chatham-Kent Wildcats last year, is another local basketball star joining the Valiants.

“She runs the floor well, rebounds well and is very strong for a girl her age,” Levac said of the 15-year-old. “She will play at the next level without any issues. Could be a great three or even a two by the time she is done playing at high school.”

The final local product, and youngest to crack the Windsor Valiants roster is Lindsay Elliott, a grade 10 student at Ursuline College in Chatham who played with the Basketball Wallaceburg Major Midget team last year.

Coach Paul Levac says of Elliott, “She’s young and needs lots of work, but with three years of JUEL she will be a very talented two man possibly getting serious minutes by the end of this year.”

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