ParaSport Chatham-Kent – An Open Invitation

Ryan Van Praet

Paratriathlete Ryan Van Praet

Chatham-Kent is known for producing some of the country and world’s top athletes such as: Ryan Jones, Andy Fantuz, Dave Gagner, Fergie Jenkins and Courtney Babcock to name a very few. What if I were to throw in names like Jeff May, Derek Whitson and Ryan Van Praet, would they be as well known?

ParaSport (sports that involve athletes with a physical disability), in Chatham-Kent is something that tends to be overlooked on many levels, partially because the smaller numbers of these athletes out there but also because many PC (physically challenged) athletes tend to operate behind the scenes. Many of our area PC athletes quietly go about breaking down barriers, smashing stereotypes and performing at high levels, all behind the scenes. A lot of these athletes sought out their own resources and role models, outside the Chatham-Kent area due to lack of resources and opportunity.

This is an invitation to any current and aspiring PC athletes out there who wish to take their place on centre stage with the rest of C-K’s talented group of athletes. You are not alone, as there are people out there right now, demonstrating what is possible despite physical challenges.

Jeff May originally from Wallaceburg is one of the country’s top wheelchair track and field racers, representing C-K in many top provincial and National events. Derek Whitson is a premier sledge-hockey player for Team Canada and has recently respresented C-K in the 2010 Vancouver Paralympics. I personally am a National Champion in Paratriathlon and have represented Canada in a number of international races.


If you are a current Para-athlete who feels isolated, thinking you are the only one in this area with these challenges; if you are a child, teen, adult living with a physical disability and desperately seek the opportunity and resources to live a healthy and active lifestyle; if you are a parent who has a child that is in a wheelchair, blind, an amputee or suffers from another physical challenge and they are being left on the sidelines for lack of opportunity, then this invite is directed at you!

If you are a sports team, a community group or an organization who is looking to make your events/teams more accessible but are not sure how…then this invite is meant for you as well.


Chatham-Kent is moving forward towards greater accessibility within its workplaces, yet it is still lacking within its sporting organizations. My mission in writing this invite is to offer hope and inspiration to any person out there who just wants to get in the game, to let them know it is possible.

The main goals for this open invite would be accomplished by:

  • creating a network of Para-athletes within the community
  • discover the levels of participation and resources required by each athlete
  • create opportunity for PC (physically challenged) athletes to learn, grow and participate within a variety of mainstream sports.
  • keep C-K updated on any results or achievements from our local PC athletes.
  • provide role models, mentors and resources for those looking to take that first step.

So, if you are a child, parent, athlete, sports team/group and you want to get involved in sport, find better resources, learn how to be inclusive, then feel free to contact myself or CKSN directly. Chatham-Kent has a sporting culture that is broad and talented but we need to make sure it can reach all those who may be left on the sidelines.

Ryan Van Praet
Age: 32
Life long C-K resident
I suffer from a degenerative eye disease leaving me currently with 6% normal vision. Despite the ever deteriorating vision I am a National Paratriathlon Champion, 6x IRONMAN triathlon finisher, curler, golfer, hockey player, inspirational speaker and ParaSport Consultant. You can learn more about me at: and contact me at

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