Andy Fantuz Introduced With the Hamilton Tiger Cats

For Chatham football fans, this picture says it all. Posted on Andy Fantuz’s Facebook page, the photo shows Andy Fantuz posing with Hamilton Tiger Cats Head Coach George Cortez and VP of Football Operations Bob O’Billovich.

This was the official introduction for Andy Fantuz as a member of the Hamilton Tiger Cats after he signed with the CFL club last week.

Andy Fantuz Hamilton Tiger Cats - Photo from

Andy Fantuz Hamilton Tiger Cats - Photo from

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    Jim 13 years

    Quite seriously, who cares? I’m not trying to be OVERLY harsh here, but, it’s not like the CFL is a good league. It’s a league where the the ones who aren’t good enough to play in the top league in the world play – the NFL. More players go to the NFL through the Arena leagues, than the CFL. Sure, it’s a ‘pro league’ but no one aspires to grow up and be a CFL player. It’s a second or third rate league that once in a while will spawn a player to go to the NFL. Rarely. Fantuz is not good enough for the NFL, so he plays in the Canadian version. Big fish, small pond.

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    Drake 13 years

    Just because you had no talent and couldnt make it anywhere in sports doesn’t mean you have to tear down others who excel in the Sports they care about. Ya the CFL isn’t as big of a SHOW as the NFL but the players who play in it are working there asses off to be the best they possibly can. Maybe you should congradulate the kid for doing something with is life and following his dreams instead of bashing him.

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    Jim 13 years

    Yes…indeed that’s what I am doing, because I didn’t go anywhere in SPORTS…..right. Point of fact, in my chosen vocation I AM at the top of my field, but this isn’t about me. This is about making a big deal out of nothing. He plays in the CFL. WOW. If this were the NFL, I would view it differently. Why do we celebrate mediocrity in this world?

    Congradulate? Perhaps you should learn how to spell.

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    Ian Kennedy 13 years

    Play nice fellas.

    I think Fantuz is an NFL calibre receiver. He could fit about three footballs in each hand, and can pull down a pass over just about anybody.

    The problem in the NFL world for him however, is his foot speed. Rule differences in the CFL allow a player like Andy to make big plays. In the NFL, he’d likely be a player that is relied upon to make 5-yard gains to simply move the chains.

    He signed in Chicago because the situation was ideal, and it later became less ideal as they continued signing receivers. Fantuz did have 5-6 contract offers on the table when he chose the Bears.

    I actually wrote a column about how little I liked the CFL a few years back Jim, so I can see your side. I much prefer the NFL and NCAA football, but the Canadian version of the game has grown on me, particularly when you watch it at its roots in high school or the CIS.

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    Whether one is a CFL fan, or not, what Andy Fantuz has accomplished is worth celebrating. Anyone who has watched him play can clearly see that the guy has talent. It is easy to be an armchair quaterback, Jim, but Andy has put in the work and achieved a great goal. Perhaps he will eventually get to the NFL, but for now he can prove himself north of the NFL border.