Deer Run Rebuild Almost Complete, Ready For 20th Season

Deer Run’s new clubhouse is almost complete – Photo from Facebook

Spring is just around the corner, and the rebuild of Deer Run Golf Course’s club house is almost complete.

“Things are coming along great,” said Deer Run owner Larissa LeGros, “they are working on the outside as well as finishing up the drywall inside. The 2 stone fireplaces inside are now complete and look great.”

May 31 of 2012, a fire ripped through the Deer Run clubhouse, demolishing the entire structure, and forcing Deer Run to use temporary facilities for the remainder of the season.

LeGros is hoping that the club house will be ready for this coming spring, with the finishing touches coming in March,

“We hope to have it more polished off by Mid to late March, ready for the public hopefully for April 1st. So we are getting excited.”

Not only is the rebuild coming along as planned, but Deer Run will be looking to celebrate the opening of the clubhouse, and their 20th season of operations.

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    Pat Dillon 12 years

    Things are looking good I’m sure that that long road that you started last year is coming to frution,