Schnabel Steps Down From OHA, Joins Blades

Blenheim-Blades-RedRidgetown’s Wayne Schnabel, who for several years has been a director with the Ontario Hockey Association, and for the past two held the position of vice-chairman, has stepped down from the province’s Junior/Senior hockey governing body to join the Blenheim Blades.

Schnabel, who had also been the OHA’s representative to the Great Lakes Junior ‘C’ Hockey League, will take over the position of Blades Director of Hockey Operations, while Bill Saunders moves to the position of Director of Player Personnel.

“Wayne is a huge addition to our hockey club,” said Saunders. “His hockey knowledge is extensive and he will be a good fit for our management team. We are pleased to have him on board.”

Schnabel said, “it was not an easy decision to leave the OHA. I really enjoyed working with the staff and Board on the Governance issues of the organization on a daily basis.

“I just felt it was time to get back to my local hockey roots and cut back on the extensive travel involved on a provincial level. It is a tremendous opportunity to work with a great organization – executive, management and coaches. The Blades have wonderful fan and volunteer support, and they deserve to experience what it is like to win the Schmaltz Cup.”

“I feel the Blades will have a very competitive team this coming season and I look forward to working with everyone involved to achieve that goal.”

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