Raving Mad About South Buxton

South Buxton Raceway - view from VIP box

My family watching the races at South Buxton Raceway from our box.

These days, it’s fairly common to hear people rant and rave online. It’s an easy place to vent about things that disappoint us, things that upset us, or downright disgust us.

I have to say, after visiting South Buxton Raceway Saturday night with several guests, I’m about to go raving mad. Not in the way described above however, I’m raving mad for all the good things about South Buxton Raceway.

I’m not quite sure how to describe my expectations for the night. To be honest, I’d heard people rant about the conditions at South Buxton, but to my eyes, the new ownership this year, volunteers, and track staff must have done a fantastic job getting the track up to snuff, or perhaps those naysayers forgot to bring their eyewear and got a little too much mud in their eyes.

From the second the engines started vibrating our box, and the mud started flying, our group was smiling, cheering, and inching closer to the edge of our seats.

If you’re not familiar with South Buxton Raceway, I’m sure you’re not alone, but I want to be completely honest, I think you’re missing out. People in Chatham-Kent complain (I know, it’s a surprise) that there is nothing to do. Well, only a few minutes from Chatham, you’ll find South Buxton, and one night there had the power to convert a group of non-believing race virgins, to people who left saying, “that was fun, we’ll have to come back sometime.”

Perhaps you’re someone who heard the words “dirt track,” and thought the cars can’t be that fast…wrong. Perhaps you thought it was just a bunch of buddies out there goofing around, who likely didn’t care who won…wrong…especially if you saw the heated battle between Dale Glassford and Brad Authier last Saturday that involved enough bumping and grinding to make parents cover their children’s eyes.

I have to admit, I dislike, to put it lightly, NASCAR. I turn the channel as quickly as I can when it comes on. The same goes for Formula One. But there was something about South Buxton that got all of us into the action.

The four racing classes each had something to offer. It was a very visceral experience, filled with the roar of the engine, the smell of exhaust, a flash of colour from the various cars – some nicknamed wild things like the “screaming banana” for their colour – and the same deep reverberating vibrations you might expect at a fireworks display.

Although I’m raving about how much I, and the rest of my group, enjoyed our evening at South Buxton Raceway, I don’t feel like I’m doing the track justice. The best way you can experience what we did, is to pack up your car, and make the drive 15-minutes South of Chatham, to the track.

These drivers put on a show every Saturday from Spring until Fall, with races beginning at 7pm.

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    William 11 years

    Come on out to the 86 UMP Modified pit area and we’ll get you hands on Ian. We are always looking for good mud-scrappers πŸ˜‰

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      The pit area? Now that could be an interesting look at the other side of the track. As for scraping mud…that…sounds…ummm, fun?

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        Steve 11 years

        no not fun at all but its the bottom of the crew and is where 99% of us started.

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    Brad maynard 11 years

    Just think mr Kennedy. You came on a night where even the racers weren’t happy with their performance. It was amazing management got the track in good enough shape to race and for that they get top marks. But it was bumpy, which comes with having so much moisture and not enough time to pack in properly. Definitely should come to the pit area. We may have a 23D Minion Mod t shirt for ya. πŸ˜€

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      It definitely looked bumpy, and I heard a few drivers talking about that.

      Two invites to the pits already! This could be fun.

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    Alicia McPhail 11 years

    Ian. I’m disappointed that a Wallaceburg boy like yourself had never been there until now! Buxton was a big part of my childhood! I still love it, it’s so much fun. They used to have the most delicious kettle chips when I was a kid! And the more mud that flies the happier I am. Thank you for writing this, hopefully more folks will head out there and experience all that is “South Buxton Raceway”!

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    Amanda 11 years

    Well I’m from Tilbury. Growing up I spent many Saturdays at the track. This past Saturday was my birthday. My father and step mom. Loved the spray if mud. A special thank you for the wheelchair access. Not for this my dad would not have been able to attend. My BF had never been to south buxton. He was so happy to be there from the moment the roar if the engines could be heard his eyes lit up. I had a blast. Was like watching a kid in a candy store. Who ever said there isn’t a thing to do. Was dead wrong. Thanks for writing Ian. πŸ˜‰

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    Glad you had fun and hope you come back soon!!! #46 sport stock.

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    Chuck Lanoue 11 years

    Brought my grandson and had great time as usual, I do think they should advertise more in the Windsor area because most of my co-workers at Windsor Assembly don’t even know the place exists.

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    Tina 11 years

    I love south buxton… this is my first year going and am always in the pitts… #88 sport stock! Love watching the races… when you go often enough u get your favorites for each class… its awesome… when my kids r old enough to sit and watch they will come too!

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    Concerned Fan 11 years

    I have been going to South Buxton Raceway for more than 30 years but we just find that the safety of the fans worries us. I was hit in the head by a rock that came flying out from a race car through the fence and hit me in the head.
    We have seen many things go flying through the fences. There is not enough protection for the audience..

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      Well I think that’s why they recommend eye protection, and there are definitely spots along the track you can sit that have less mud flying. After the first few races things get packed down and very little seems to fly.

      Myself, judging by the look on the faces of the hundreds of fans packing the stands, when mud flies, out came the smiles.

      **As an editors note, we always appreciate at CKSN, people to use their real names when commenting. It seems when a compliment occurs, real names are used, but when a complain is made, it’s a “screen name.” Perhaps if a real name was used, ownership would be obliged to respond to a concern, and help resolve it.**