Council Candidate Jeff Wesley Talks Chatham-Kent Sports

Chatham-Kent Civic Centre

Chatham-Kent Civic Centre

CKSN asked all candidates running for Chatham-Kent council and mayor, to give us their backgrounds in sports and recreation, and describe their goals and views for not only sports and recreation in Chatham-Kent, but making Chatham-Kent a healthier, and more active place to live.

The Chatham-Kent Municipal election day is October 27, 2014.

Here are council candidate Jeff Wesley’s responses. Wesley is running for council in Ward 5 – Wallaceburg.

1. Background in sports and recreation:

  • All four of our children were active at all levels of sport. I have coached the following youth sports: Girls Hockey, In-Line Hockey, Wallaceburg Minor Hockey, Wallaceburg Minor Soccer, Wallaceburg Minor Baseball.
  • Was both a certified coach and trainer.
  • As an adult I was also the President and Player with the Wallaceburg Mercenaries Rugby Club.
  • Avid scuba diver with over 100 dives.
  • Played adult recreational soccer for several years.
  • Still play adult recreational hockey.
  • Member of the Chatham Kent Community Leaders Cabinet which is all about healthy and active living in CK.
  • I love fishing, boating and everything outdoors and I am a life-long non smoker.

2. What specific ideas or goals do you have for Chatham-Kent, to improve or maintain recreational programs and facilities, and support our athletes and sports organizations? Or to help build opportunities for future growth in these areas?

Took an active role to oppose the proposed closing of our pool and worked with CK staff and users to come up with a workable plan. Need to lead by example – big supporter of Jr B Lacrosse (only missed one game in recent play-off run and attended the out of town games as well) and Jr. C Hockey (was there for all big games) and always say yes when approached for help. Assist with fundraising where I can.

As a member of the CK Community Leaders Cabinet new and improved ways are being developed to promote and maintain a more active and health lifestyle. More trails like in Mitchell’s Bay and promote biking and walking.

We MUST support youth and adult sports – it is good for your health, your mind and our community.

3. How will you work to make Chatham-Kent a healthier, more active place to live?

First off – lead by example. I have adopted a healthy and active lifestyle and this is a message to all.

As a Councillor we must work with sports groups and organization to insure that all types and levels of sport remain available and affordable for our citizens. CK also has to spend the money needed to maintain our facilities.

The trails that are being developed in Mitchell’s Bay are excellent and in Wallaceburg we have a good level of parks.

Sometimes it is less obvious but simple things – repair of the Stonehouse Walkway provides a walking route for our seniors and a path for area runners.

4. Anything else you’d like to add?

Our children lived through sports and it taught all of them fitness, team play and effort pays off. We need to make sure that all of our youth and even our adults understand the value of an active and healthy lifestyle. CK can assist this by making all sports and activities accessible and affordable. We have a huge variety of activities available in CK as well as a huge variety of CK grown fruits and vegetables – we need to work harder at making sure everyone knows what CK has to offer.

What did you think of Council Candidate Jeff Wesley’s responses? Let us know in the comments below!

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