Council Candidate Mona Natvik Talks Chatham-Kent Sports

Chatham-Kent Civic Centre

Chatham-Kent Civic Centre

CKSN asked all candidates running for Chatham-Kent council and mayor, to give us their backgrounds in sports and recreation, and describe their goals and views for not only sports and recreation in Chatham-Kent, but making Chatham-Kent a healthier, and more active place to live.

The Chatham-Kent Municipal election day is October 27, 2014.

Here is council candidate Mona Natvik’s response. Natvik is running for council in Ward 3 – East Kent.

My vision for Chatham-Kent includes a healthy and fit population that engages in activities that are not only physical in nature, but also have a social and cultural benefit to the Chatham-Kent community . My belief is that community partnerships such as pairing private local spaces with local initiatives that promote physical activities, are key in potential growth opportunities. As a municipality, we could facilitate relationships that provide healthy recreational opportunities that are closer to home and/or accessible for as many residents as possible. Although Chatham-Kent already provides a solid base of recreational facilities, parks, arenas, and splash pads, residents of the county would benefit from even greater access to recreational programming, sports and athletic opportunities. For example, I would support forging even stronger relationships between local school facilities and the communities they already serve. It is my belief that by providing greater recreational programming and facilities, the overall health of our community will improve, helping us attract new residents and businesses to the region.

As a younger candidate, I have spent many of my years since graduating from Ridgetown District High School studying, working and/or travelling both abroad and in Canada. I first studied at the University of Guelph and later in Christchurch, New Zealand where I earned my secondary teaching qualifications. As a qualified teacher, I am well acquainted with the importance of physical fitness and recreational opportunities for our youth as I understand well the relationship between educational attainment and physical activity. I would work to ensure that Chatham-Kent continues to provide a wide range of opportunities for our younger generation. Likewise, the ageing population has important and unique recreational needs that I would strongly support.

My experience with recreational opportunities in Chatham Kent are varied. Having worked at Rondeau Provincial Park, the value of this provincial recreational setting to the Chatham-Kent community was made very clear. Personally, I take the opportunity to enjoy the variety of beaches and trails in the region and come from a family that strongly supported the Clear Creek fundraising campaign that resulted in the preservation of this remarkable outdoor recreational space. If elected, I would promote family and senior friendly bikes trails, equal distribution of resources to smaller communities and foster partnerships that can lead to greater availability of recreational programs. It is my hope that voters in Ward 3 will recognise me as a choice that will provide fresh ideas to strengthen the use of our existing facilities and create a healthier, happier community in Chatham-Kent.

What did you think of Council Candidate Mona Natvik’s response? Let us know in the comments below!

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    Verna Brunet 11 years

    These are all great ideas. In addition to these I would like to see regular monthly bus or car pools taking residents of Ward 3 to Clearville Park to pick up trash along the beach.

    Walking along the beach & bending to pick up trash is healthy exercise and well suited to those of us who are not inclined to competitive sports.

    Picking up the trash creates a healthier environment and makes the local area healthier for wildlife.