EnviroClean Cougar of the Week: Dee Meurkes

Dee Meurkes' Enviro-Clean Car & Dog Wash sponsored Fall football team jersey

Dee Meurkes’ Enviro-Clean Car & Dog Wash sponsored Fall football team jersey

Dee Meurkes has been named the winner of the Chatham-Kent Cougars of the Week, sponsored by EnviroClean Car & Dog Wash, for the week ending August 4.

Dee is a tireless volunteer with the Chatham-Kent Cougars, having served with the club since 2006 in various roles including on the board of directors, Director of Registration, game day coordinator, and a team manager.

Dee is also the owner of the EnviroClean Car & Dog Wash in Chatham, who sponsor the Cougars in travel and Fall football, as well as the player of the week honour, which was founded in 2013.

Enviro-Clean-Car-Dog-Wash“Dee Meurkes has demonstrated leadership, enthusiasm, excellent judgment, a willingness to continue learning, and loyalty during her involvement with the Chatham-Kent Cougars Football Club as a volunteer,” says Chatham-Kent Cougars president Sel Jordan.

“It is refreshing to have a volunteer and company step forward for a not-for-profit group that is selfless with their time and their funding. We are very thankful for Dee’s involvement in our Chatham-Kent Cougars Football Club.”

Acccording to other coaches and volunteers in the Cougars organization, Dee’s role this season, as it has been since the organization was founded, has been integral in each athlete and team reaching success. As well, in the words of Cesar Torres, a long time coach with the Cougars, the EnviroClean Car & Dog Wash Chatham-Kent Cougar of the Week honour, has become a benchmark for that success, thanks to Meurkes’ generous contributions.

“Dee Meurkes is a tireless supporter and volunteer for the Cougars,” says Torres. “Without her help as the registrar, the Cougar organization would not be the success it has become. She is always willing to help in anyway and always with a smile.”

“The EnviroClean player of the week has become a benchmark in which all players strive to get selected,” continued Torres. “It has become a personal challenge to all Cougars to elevate their game in order to get recognized as player of the week.”

“The Cougar organization owes her so much, I owe her so much,” says Jeff Green, Senior Varsity coach, of Dee Meurkes, whose sun David also played for the Chatham-Kent Cougars. “I can’t even imagine trying to repay her generosity. She is a Cougar Mom forever.”

Regardless of the situation or problem, Meurkes works tirelessly behind the scenes, and is appreciated by coaches, players, and parents at all levels.

“Dee is dedicated and steadfast, with not a selfish bone in her body; an all around great lady who would literally give you the shirt off her back if needed,” says 2014 Junior Varsity coach Kevin Pugh. “She spends countless hours volunteering for a football organization that her son has long since graduated from, for the sheer joy of helping people.”

While Sel Jordan, and the rest of the Cougars coaching staff are in charge of the game day coaching, and the x-and-o’s of the organizations football operations, according to Dean Creechan, a team manager and volunteer with the Cougars, it’s Dee, and her skills behind the scenes, that truly keep the Cougars organization going.

“From registration of players, to arranging for media coverage of the games, Dee is that person. When I first Joined the team, Dee was the person who explained the inner workings of the Cougars. Our travel team managers report to Dee and she makes sure that each and every one is ready with the new rules and paperwork. Players are registered, had their picture taken and are ready to play,” explained Creechan, of what he called Dee’s never ending stream of work.

“Very much the Cougar Mom. Not a lot of Parents can say that they have 300 plus kids,” continued Creechan of Dee’s impact and reach within the organization. “I haven’t yet found a Cougar player that she doesn’t know, and honestly, we would be lost without her support, dedication, and her love of the game of football and specifically Cougar football.”

With an endless stream of praise, washing away the endless stream of work, and endless hours Dee Meurkes has committed to the Cougars, it’s very fitting she is this weeks EnviroClean Chatham-Kent Cougar of the week, and honour Meurkes helped create, and is deserving of herself.

“There is no one that can hold a candle to this lady in my opinion,” says coach Pugh. “For what she has done, continues to do, and will no doubt always do for our organization and community.”

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