Five Questions With Max Fantuz

Max Fantuz breaks away from away from a Hamilton tackler, carrying the ball for the Chatham-Kent Cougars – Photo by Dean Creechan/
Fantuz, a football player for the Chatham-Kent Cougars Senior Varsity team, was a recruit last season for the Windsor Lancers team.
A Ursuline College Chatham graduate, Fantuz also plays recreational volleyball and soccer in his spare time.
Below are Max Fantuz’s answers to CKSN’s Five Questions.
1. What is your career sports highlight/top memory?
My top memory of all the sports I’ve played was winning the junior football championship in grade 10. I made the 4th down tackle to stop Wallaceburg’s final drive in the 4th quarter. Seconds later, I got leg cramps from dehydration that i still hear about today from my former teammates. This made the moment pretty hard to forget.
2. Who is your favourite professional sports team and athlete?
My favourite professional sports team is the Detroit Lions. My favourite player has to be Calvin Johnson. That man is a beast.
3. If you could achieve one thing/goal in sports, what would it be?
If I could achieve one thing in sports, it would be to stay fit. Sports are a great way to have fun and stay in shape at the same time. It would take more than a splash of water to get me up for a 5k run in the morning.
4. Who has been your biggest sports influence and why?
My biggest sports influences have been a couple football coaches from UCC. Randy Rybansky was a guy that was well respected in our football program. He knew how to get you out of whatever slump you might have been in and start thinking football immediately. Herb McCauley was another great influence for me. He strived for efficiency in practice and improved every player on the field because of it. Both of these men lived through football for a majority of their lives which expresses their passion for the game. Speeches before a big game were changed forever for me once I had the pleasure of being coached by these two individuals.
5. What do you love most about playing sports?
What I love most about sports is the competitive atmosphere. I couldn’t imagine a world where touchdowns, goals, and points didn’t mean anything. I think every player’s competitive personality reflects their work ethic in a game. Winning is one thing, but winning when everyone else is trying to win is a thing of beauty.
Five Questions is a weekly feature on the Chatham-Kent Sports Network. We’ll ask athletes from across Chatham-Kent Five Questions, and post their answers every week. If you know an athlete or coach we should question, or you’re an athlete or coach who would like to participate in “Five Questions,” please email us at