Soccer Dogs Tournament Helps Ronald McDonald House

Rhys Dulisch (left) handing over a check for $6413 to the Ronald McDonald House of Southwestern Ontario from the 2014 Soccer Dogs tournament – Contributed Photo
Tournament founder Rhys Dulisch of Blenheim, a student at Ursuline College, was on hand to drop off the $6413 the tournament earned, to adopt a room in Santavy’s name.
According to Dulisch, he was very pleased to be able to give so much to the Ronald McDonald House.
“I thought this tournament was the best one yet and hope it grows and grows each year to come,” says Dulisch, the tournament founder and organizer.
In 2013, the tournament raised $1442, and Dulisch is hoping the event can continue to grow, and help families in need.
“Next year we plan to have a two day event if we have a high amount of teams, which I am hoping for.”
Online registration for the event will open in December at