WDSS To Receive New Track

WDSS Track - Wallaceburg

The Wallaceburg track, seen here being used by the football team, will receive a facelift thanks to new Ministry of Education funds

Wallaceburg District Secondary School will be getting a facelift thanks to $2,250,000 in funding from the Ministry of Education.

According to an Lambton-Kent District School Board press release, Wallaceburg will be receiving an upgraded track, as their current facility includes an overgrown, gravel track, which prohibits athletes from properly using the track as a training location.

As well, the school will see the construction of a new fitness centre.

The funding will also go to technology and library updates.

Wallaceburg is welcoming grade 7 and 8 students at the WDSS location starting this September. The renovations and updates resulting from this funding are scheduled to be completed in 2016.

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