Council Candidate Rudy Toews Talks Chatham-Kent Sports

Chatham-Kent Civic Centre

Chatham-Kent Civic Centre

CKSN asked all candidates running for Chatham-Kent council and mayor, to give us their backgrounds in sports and recreation, and describe their goals and views for not only sports and recreation in Chatham-Kent, but making Chatham-Kent a healthier, and more active place to live.

The Chatham-Kent Municipal election day is October 27, 2014.

Here are council candidate Rudy Toews’ responses. Toews is running for council in Ward 1 – West Kent.

1. Background in sports and recreation:

Being a resident of rural Chatham-Kent, I spent a lot of time at the Tilbury Arena cheering as my children developed their hockey and figure skating skills. I also spent time coaching them in Little League soccer and baseball. I always wanted to be actively involved in the sports that my children participated in. I enjoyed coaching baseball the best. My wife and I coached the teams together and we tried very hard to encourage and give all players an equal opportunity to play. I myself, played in the Tilbury Men’s Slo-Pitch recreational league until I was at bat one night and hit the ball, as I ran to first base I tripped over the base and flipped through the air landing on my shoulder and separated it pretty badly. Unfortunately, this injury was a career ending injury. I still enjoy watching local sporting events and enjoy a great game of golf. I have also helped organize a golf tournament for a local charity for the last 3 years.

2. What specific ideas or goals do you have for Chatham-Kent, to improve or maintain recreational programs and facilities, and support our athletes and sports organizations? Or to help build opportunities for future growth in these areas?

The health and fitness of the residents of Chatham-Kent is very important. Therefore, we need to have excellent recreational activities and suitable facilities. I would like to see all sports activities be affordable for all residents in the community to be able to participate. I also believe that when people are relocating to different communities, they look seriously at the recreational activities, facilities, parks, trails, and other exercise and fitness activities that the community they are considering to relocate to, offer.

3. How will you work to make Chatham-Kent a healthier, more active place to live?

Promotion of local recreational programs is critical for making Chatham-Kent a healthier community to live in. We all understand the importance of regular exercise and a healthy diet. Along with all the excellent “organized” sports activities in our community, there are many parks, conservation areas, trails, splash pads, skate parks, etc., in our community that need promotion. I would also like to see more picnic areas with barbeques.

What did you think of Council Candidate Rudy Toews’ responses? Let us know in the comments below!

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