Wallaceburg Looking For Feedback After Satan Haters Get Evil

The current Wallaceburg Red Devils logo features a representation of “Satan,” leaving many wondering why their was negative feedback to the name “Satans” – CKSN.ca File Photo
“It has been a week since we released the new team name for the Wallaceburg Sr. B lacrosse team,” wrote new President Steve Lilley on the Wallaceburg Lacrosse website. “Over the past week, we have come to understand that, while some in the community support the name and tradition, there are those that do not agree with the name. Being such a small and tight-knit community, Wallaceburg and our brand new Sr. B team needs all the support it can get. With that said, the executive and myself are open to taking suggestions for what you believe the new Sr. B team should be called.”
Lilley is looking for recommendations to be sent to slilley@wallaceburglacrosse.com, suggesting a new name, or supporting the “Satans” name.
In the 1970’s, Wallaceburg had a lacrosse team named the Wallaceburg Satans, and organizers were following tradition, and keeping the name in sync with the towns Junior B entry, the Wallaceburg Red Devils, who feature a “devil” in their logo.
However, many spoke out about the need for the name to be more representative of the region, and in a time where cultural and religious sensitivity is demanded in all areas of society, for the name to be more neutral.
I think renaming the team the “satans” is an unwise choice, even though it was meant to follow tradition. For people of faith the change from “(red) devils” to this represents a personalizing of the one who personifies evil. It was one thing to call the team the devils, but calling them the satans crosses a line and will polarize the supportive fan base in this community.
I totally support the Satan moniker, it is natural extension of the Red Devil theme that has been beloved and accepted for years by the community. The logo has to present a certain intimidation to your opponent, a warm cuddly object just wouldn’t cut it.
Fair comment Andy. The only part of what you said that I disagree with, is that a logo and name have nothing to do with opposing teams being intimidated when they visit Wallaceburg. That aspect of the game comes solely from the player on the floor, and the fans in the crowd. And Wallaceburg has always been known for fielding tough teams and passionate fans.
I’ll use a hockey example locally, go south and the LaSalle Vipers are no more intimidating than the Leamington Flyers because of their name.
I’m from Six Nations and every team at every level has a different name. I think one center should adopt one name to be carried all the way from minor to major. for eg. Orangeville Northman, Brampton Excelsiors, etc.
Chiefs,SrA, Arrows,JrA, Rebels,JrB, Rivermen,SrB, Slash,CanAm, Warriors, Minor
thats just my opinion
Congrats and Good Luck on your Sr B franchise and looking fwd to the 2015 SrB Season
Tom Johnson
1st Vp Six Nations Rivermen