Wheatley Sharks Clarify Rumours

The Wheatley Sharks have clarified rumours of the team’s current situation – Photo by Shelly J Quick
After the Wheatley BIA posted that “There will be a special meeting regarding the future of the Wheatley Sharks Junior “C” hockey team Thursday, February 19th upstairs in the Wheatley legion at 7 pm. If you have an interest in helping in any way with keeping this team in the village of Wheatley then your attendance at this meeting is strongly recommended,” on Facebook this week, the hockey rumour mill began to turn.
According to Wheatley’s current owner Bruno Carnevale, the meeting is not being put on the team. Rather, it’s a community driven meeting, as Carnevale has said he’s retiring.
As a result, the meeting is being held, according to Wheatley Sharks general manager Kevin Fisher, by the community to seek a new ownership group
“It is for the purpose of putting together a new community driven ownership group,” said Fisher.
While attendance in Wheatley is down, Carnevale re-iterated that the team is in no trouble, and at no risk of leaving the community. As well, Carnevale stated the Sharks will be moving back to their traditional Monday night home games next season.
“We will be back to Mondays and that should be no problem, we are financially sound and have no issues,” wrote Carnevale.
Carnevale stated the meeting was prompted by his desire to step down, and that it is a town, not team or owner driven meeting taking place.
Carnevale’s assertion of the stability of the team dispels rumours, including those reported by CKSN, that the Sharks could be leaving Wheatley.