Lawn Bowling About To Get Rolling

Members outside the Dresden Lawn Bowling Club in Dresden, Ontario – Photo by the Dresden Lawn Bowling Club
Lawn Bowling is at least 100 years old in Chatham-Kent, but it is probably the most unrecognized sport around.
Steve St. Pierre, President of the Dresden Lawn Bowling, says “It is low impact, but it can get intense depending on whether you are out for a visit with some new friends, or out to kick some butt on the greens.”
He says the game is a lot of fun and easy going, but it can get pretty serious at some points in the game. St. Pierre says the age range is from people in their 20’s all the way up to their low 80’s. But he says, “If you ask someone how old they are, they usually won’t tell.”
Lawn bowling varies from one-on-one match ups to four-on-four games, with some provisions in the Ontario Lawn Bowling Association for physically challenged people- using a cane or even a wheel chair.
If you are interested in giving lawn bowling a chance, most of the clubs have equipment for new comers, and the cost to join is only $50 at the Dresden Club. The season will start mid May and run all summer long.
Below is more lawn bowling clubs in Southwestern Ontario and their contact numbers.
Chatham- Tony Martin (519-359-0918)
Dresden- Steve St. Pierre (519-683-8956)
Leamington- Paul Brown (519-825-4642)
Ridgetown- Brian Doidge (519-674-5135)
Tilbury- John Fantin (519-682-0489)
Windsor- Alfie Fairweather (519-972-5787)