Wildcats Boys Golden
The Wildcats went in the 7 seed, upsetting the competition to win the title. Friday night Chatham-kent upset the #3 seeded St. Catharines Rebels 49-42. Saturday morning, the Wildcats followed up the Friday night win with another upset of the #2 seeded Team Breakdown 62-44.
In their last game of pool play the Wildcats fell short to London Gold Medal 56-49. With a three team tie with 2 wins and 1 loss, the Wildcats plus-minus record moved them into the Gold medal game on Sunday.
They met the Scarborough SBA #4 seed, that went 3 and 0 in to win their side of the pool. In a back and forth dog fight with under two minutes left the Wildcats defense stepped up big and stopped SBA four possessions in a row as they made free throws and open up the lead to a 7 point win.
Pictured Above:
Front row, left to right Evan McGregor, Owen Newman, Garret Day, Connor Sloan, Jean Hakiza, Julian Ferrell, Isaac MacDonald, and Keagan Lalonde. Back row, left to right is Coach Jamie Ireland, Lars MacDonald, Peyton Morrison, Drew Koluk, John Cartier, Doug Labadie, and Coach Carl aka Corky Butcher