Wallaceburg Sports Hall Of Fame Gives Back
The Wallaceburg Sports Hall of Fame held its 18th annual golf tournament on August 29th at CountryView Golf Course.
20 teams entered this year’s tournament with a roast beef, chicken and salmon dinner catered by The Black Goose Grill at the UAW Hall in Wallaceburg.
The team of Dale Johnson, Steve Tooshkenig, Doug McArthur and Andy Myers finished first in the men’s division while the top mixed team was comprised of Doug Teeter, Becky Teeter, Kevin Poole and Sue Poole. Dale Johnson had the longest drive among men while Helen Ryan took home the ladies prize. Mike Griffith Jr and Dorothy Johnston won closest to the pin.
Recently, the Hall of Fame gave four Wallaceburg young athletes and one girls soccer team over $3,000 to help with travel expenses.