Maroons Again Hosting Operation Cover Up

Chatham-Maroons-IceThe Chatham Maroons are again hosting “Operation Cover Up,” a yearly event serving individuals and and families across Chatham-Kent.

The Chatham Maroons’ Operation Cover Up Night aims to collect winter coats, especially children’s coats, prior to the coldest days of the year.

“Hockey Fans everywhere dress warmly when they attend a game to cheer on their Home team,” said the Chatham Maroons press release. “How can we turn a blind eye to the fact that there are those less fortunate in Chatham-Kent that can’t afford a warm winter coat for themselves or their children? ”

The Chatham Maroons would like to encourage their fans to bring their gently used or new Winter Coats to the game, Sunday, October 18th vs. Sarnia Legionnaires at Memorial Arena. Game time is 7 pm. Volunteers will be on hand to collect the coats in the Main Lobby.

Children’s coats and men’s plus sizes are especially needed.

For further information Contact: Tom Heath, Chatham Maroons Community Relations Volunteer @ 519-355-8224 or United Way of Chatham – Kent @ 519-354-0430

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