Hockeyville Upgrades Approved By Council

Chatham’s Memorial Arena will soon recieve $100,000 worth of upgrades – Photo by Helen Heath
From the money, Chatham’s Memorial Arena, which was the target of Chatham’s campaign, will receive the following upgrades: New accessible entrance doors on the east side of the building, additional heaters added to the west and south ends of the rink where presently there is no heat and spectators like to sit in these areas, and a large free-standing marquee display with scrolling digital capabilities located in front of the arena close to Tweedsmuir Avenue.
In addition to these upgrade, signage will be placed in the main lobby of Memorial Arena recognizing the community’s success in the competition.
The upgrades fit under the Municipality’s directive to utilize funds to address only minimum upgrades at Memorial Arena, based on last June’s arena report, which recommended a potential new twin pad arena for Chatham in the next 5-10 years.
How about accessibility for upstairs so people unable to walk up the stairs due to mobility issues don’t have to worry about getting stuck in the elevator or in the stands. Sad to see that’s it’s mostly cosmetic stuff that the money will be spent on and not that stuff that is actually important.
Wow! Way to waste the $ Chatham kent! We don’t need a new didgital sign! What? at least of 2o grand?…. Why not knock out the back hall way and extend it 10 feet so two people can actually pass each other, and maybe make the dressing rooms a bit bigger…… Great job!
How about the ladies restroom where the toilets dont flush. Its an embarrassment when out of town teams use the restrooms.