Peewee Wallaceburg Girls Find Silver Lining

The Wallaceburg Peewee ‘C’ girls celebrate an OWHA silver – Contributed Photo
Wallaceburg was a perfect 3-0 in pool play to open the weekend.
The Peewee girls defeated Nepean 3-0, Wilmot 7-0, and Walkerton 7-0 to advance to the OWHA quarterfinals.
In the quarterfinals, Wallaceburg again beat Nepean 3-1 advancing to face Timmins in the semifinals.
Against Timmins, the Lakers would need triple overtime to decide a 2-1 game, sending Wallaceburg to the OWHA finals.
In the championship game, Wallaceburg squared off against Chatsworth, but couldn’t pull out the win, falling 2-0 in the gold medal game.