Wallaceburg Man Runs Boston Marathon

joeperryWallaceburg’s Joe Perry competed in the Boston Marathon on Monday and finished with a time of 3 hours, 29 minutes and 4 seconds.

Perry, a proud member of Team Hoyt Canada and the local Defiance Running Club, told 99.1 CKXS he was in good spirits following his second Boston Marathon experience.

“I’m still breathing. Not quite what I hoped but it was a rough day, ” said Perry. ” No excuses. I gave it everything I had today. I still managed to pass more people than those who passed me based on my final ranking so I will take that as a win.  Amazing atmosphere. Wonderful city.”

Perry finished the 2015 marathon with a time of 3 hours and 20 minutes.

On social media, Perry said the run was “another experience I’ll never forget.” and thanked all of his local supporters for their words of encouragement.

Joe is also a Tough Mudder ambassador and one of the World’s Toughest Mudders. He has also recently landed a spot as a tester for the TV show American Ninja Warrior.

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    Brian Horrobin 9 years

    Conditions were warmer than expected, and for someone who trained in winter conditions, this would certainly have factored in for Joe. He is a gritty competitor and I do not doubt at all that he gave it a 100% effort. His time is very good and does our community proud!