Bright Future For Bridget Carleton

Bridget Carleton Iowa State

Bridget Carleton puts up a shot for Iowa State – Photo by Iowa State Athletics Communication

With her rookie season at Iowa State behind her, local basketball star Bridget Carleton is looking forward to a bright future in her sport.

Carleton recently traveled to Prague as part of the National Development Team. “We were kind of a young team, mostly college age players, and playing against a lot of senior teams,” Carleton says. “Basically Japan’s Olympic team, Czech Republic didn’t make it to the Olympics but it would have been their Olympic team. That was a good experience, I got a lot of minutes and a lot of playing time, playing against some of the best players in the world.”

While the Canadian team has mostly been set for the Rio Summer Games, the John McGregor grad says she’s got her sights set on the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 and hopefully launching a professional career. “I think that’d be an amazing experience, whether that means WNBA or in Europe somewhere,” she says.”

In the meantime, Carleton is enjoying some down time with her family in Chatham-Kent this summer before heading back to school.

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    paul charbonneau 9 years

    Good Luck Bridget

    Paul Charbonneau