Maroons Supporting Movember

Chatham Maroons MovemberThe Chatham Maroons are again this year supporting The Movember Foundation, to improve and save the lives of men living with testicular cancer, prostate cancer and mental health issues.

On Sunday, November 27th the Maroons’ home game against the St Marys Lincolns has been designated as “Movember Awareness Night.”

The “ Movember “ movement which has raised hundreds of millions of dollars, started out as a simple effort to raise awareness for men’s illnesses when two friends in Australia dreamt up the idea in a bar. Now Movember happens in over twenty countries.

The Movember Foundation, using the moustache as a catalyst, wants to bring about change and give men the opportunity and confidence to learn and talk about their health and take action when needed.

As a global men’s health movement, the Movember Foundation has the ambition to contribute to improving the lives of men around the world. This will be achieved through programs they fund in the areas of Awareness & Education, Living with Cancer, Research, and Mental Health.

You can help the Maroons by bidding on the chance to SHAVE THE MUSTACHE OF YOUR FAVOURITE PLAYER following the game. You can also bid on autographed Maroon hockey items donated by Mike Wonnacott of Simply Vinyl Signs & Graphics and Dean Outhouse of RPM Designs.

Game time is 7 PM.

For further information please contact Tom Heath @ 519-355-8224

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