Blades’ Cash Club Draw

Blades hold annual ‘Cash Club’ draw

SUBMITTED BY THE BLENHEIM BLADES Blenheim-Blades-Alternative-Logo

There will be a little bit of extra spending money for the holiday season for 10 people who purchased tickets in the Blenheim Blades annual ‘Cash Club’.

The draws were made Sunday night at the Blenheim home game against the Essex 73’s.

The $1,000 top prize went to Howard Nussey of Staples, with Jillian Ball of Chatham getting the second prize of $500.

The third prize of $250 went to Michelle Johnson of Chatham, while the fourth prize of $150 was won by Steve Fletcher of Blenheim, and the fifth prize of $100 went to Gary Bechard of Blenheim.

There were also five draws for $50 each and they went to Ben Sterling of Chatham, Glen Stephens of Merlin, Dick Sanford of Eatonville, Lonnie Brown of Chatham and Christina Couture of Chatham.

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