Lacrosse is Alive and Well in the Burg

Wallaceburg is a hotbed for Canada’s national sport.  Zach-Herreweyers-Field-Lacrosse

Jamie Knight was the guest on 99.1’s CK Sports Talk Monday night.

The coaching director of Wallaceburg Lacrosse says they’re working hard to keep Lacrosse alive and well with a series of training camps kick off at D-A Gordon on the 25th.

“We supply sticks, so it’s basically show up and see if you like it before your parents really invest in a sport,” Knight says. “People are on tight budgets today, so if they can try it out and say this is something I’d like to pursue, that’s the whole point of these free camps is to give kids that shot.”

The camps, which have already filled up for the most part, were made possible thanks to an Ontario Trillium Grant the organization received last spring.

Knight says there are still a few spaces available in the sessions aimed at girls aged 12-18.

“You’re finding that girls for peewee-bantam don’t have a place to play,” Knight says. “Who knows, maybe this season we get enough response that we have a bantam girls team put in Zone 7 this year, and that way every boy and girl in Wallaceburg gets that opportunity to play at that zone level.”

Winter camps are being held in Chatham as well, Sunday mornings from February 5-March 19.

To register, visit the Wallaceburg lacrosse website.

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