Pickleball For Hospice Event Planned

Chatham-Kent-PickleballChatham-Kent Pickleball Club and Thames Campus HealthPlex announce a special event, Pickleball for Hospice on April 21 and 22, 2017 in support of the Chatham-Kent Hospice Foundation.

Events are being planned for this weekend to raise funds to support this valuable Chatham-Kent asset and volunteers are needed to plan, organize and support events this weekend.

An information meeting for volunteers and interested people is scheduled for Wednesday, February 1 at 7:30 pm at the Thames Campus HealthPlex Community Room.

The Chatham-Kent Pickleball Club is a not for profit organization to support active lifestyle for all ages. It currently has a membership of 120+ members and conducts lessons, league play, clinics and tournaments throughout the year.

Pickleball is a sport played on a badminton size court with paddles, a hollow ball and net. It is a fun way to get a moderate cardio workout in a social setting.

For more information or to volunteer contact Jay Salisbury at 226-626-1956 or jsalisbury4@cogeco.ca

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