Jack Parry Awards Tonight

2017 nominees for the Dr. Jack Parry Award – Contributed Photo
The nominees from each of Chatham-Kent’s high school’s were named earlier this month, all of whom will be in attendance at tonight’s award ceremony at the UCC theatre. The ceremony begins at 7pm, with free admission, and the public is welcome.
Blenheim’s nominees are Regan Sheppard and Nick Walls. Representing Chatham Christian are Abby Sluys and Seth Roffel, while the CKSS nominees are Brooke MacKinnon and Jonesy Kay.
ESPC will be represented by Andrea Crow and Austin McCready, while John McGregor sends Taylor Kewley and Anthony Atkinson as their nominees.
Wallaceburg’s Shaelyn Denys and Carter DeKoning are the Tartans’ nominees, with Ridgetown sending Alli Oliphant and Geoffrey VandenBoorn, and UCC sending Rosina Cowan and Rylan Burm.
Two schools, LKCS and Tilbury are only sending one nominees, with Dresden being represented by Brooke Marchand, and Tilbury sending Seth Barnwell.
Many nominees for the Dr. Jack Parry Awards boast academic averages surpassing 90%, all while playing multiple sports, and being involved in their school and community.
As well, this year’s batch of nominees includes several athletes already committed to play University sports next year. CKSS’ Brooke MacKinnon made an NCAA Division I commitment to play golf at the University of Hartford, while ESPC’s Andrea Crow will play volleyball at the University of Waterloo next Fall. On the men’s side, JMSS’ Anthony Atkinson will compete in track and field at the University of Windsor next year.
Last year, John McGregor Secondary School students Ashley Jackson and Kelton Evans were named the 2016 Dr. Jack Parry Award Winners.