Dressing Room Debacle

Photo from Google Maps
A decision to lease out the girls change room at East Kent Memorial Arena has several Chatham-Kent residents upset.
According to South Kent Minor Hockey Board President Shawn Allen, the Municipality leased out the former girls change room to the Triple-A Cyclones, leaving female players without a suitable change room.
Instead, they’re using a tiny room without a sink or shower – whose door opens onto the lobby – creating privacy issues.
Allen sent a letter to the municipality on Sunday, but as of Monday evening, has had no response.
“We want them to find a solution on the same side as the other dressing rooms with the same or room more as they had before and the same facilities, such as a shower and a sink,” Allen says. “Right now our girls don’t have the option to shower, the solution the municipality has come up with for that is that they need to seek out a staff member and he may be able to find them an open room somewhere in the building where they can have a shower.”
Allen says the current situation is discriminatory against girls.