Wallaceburg Hall To Welcome Inductees

The Wallaceburg Sports Hall of Fame will welcome its annual and permanent inductees this Saturday, at their annual ceremony and dinner at the UAW Hall in Wallaceburg.

The 2018 permanent inductee class includes another ‘who’s who’ of local sports names.

The Dan Bertrand Memorial Award of Excellence Male Athlete inductee is Earl Haggerty, who was known as a multi-sport athlete in Wallaceburg throughout the 1960s.

The Marion and Bill Chinnick Memorial Award of Excellence Female Athlete inductee is Joanne Johnston, a notable basketball player locally during the 1980s. Johnston will add to the Johnston-family legacy in the Wallaceburg Hall, joining her father and two brothers as inductees.

Janine Day, who currently serves as a coach and athletic director at WDSS, will be entered as the Ray Aarssen Memorial Award of Excellence Coach/Official inductee is Janine Day. A Sarnia product, Day has been integral in building Wallaceburg’s success on the basketball court.

In the builder category, being recognized with the Mike Childs Memorial Award of Excellence is Steve Tooshkenig. Tooshkenig has been involved in golf and other sports, supporting local First Nations athletes from Walpole Island.

Finally, the team inductee is the 1987 Wallaceburg Bantam Griffins Ontario ‘B’ lacrosse team. The undefeated team were league and provincial champions.

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