No Ice, But Bothwell Arena Is Still A Hub For Community Sports

Bothwell Area Recreation Advisory Committee

Youth participating in lacrosse at Bothwell Arena – Photo by BARAC

The ice might be out for the season, but the Bothwell Area Sports Centre is becoming a community hub for sports and recreation all year round.

Some of the activities taking place both inside and out of Bothwell Arena this summer include pickleball, lacrosse, soccer, ball hockey, horseshoes, roller skating, and fitness for seniors.

Ball hockey for ages 3 to adult started April 9 and runs every Monday evening for 10 weeks, spring lacrosse is for ages 7-12 and runs every Wednesday for those same 10 weeks. Registration for these programs is $40 each, or $30 for Bothwell Area Recreation Advisory Committee (BARAC) members. Memberships are $50 for singles and $75 for families.

Soccer is a new initiative and runs every Thursday from May 17 until August 2, for ages 4-12. It utilizes the green space adjacent to the arena and features a nice treed area with picnic tables for spectators. This is pick up soccer and is free to all children who sign up.

The BARAC is running a recreation program in the arena every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 7-9pm. There are 5 pickleball courts and equipment, ball hockey, and a senior fitness room for members. There are also soccer nets and balls as well as horseshoe pits on the grounds. This program began May 1 and runs until August 16. People can drop in for $5/night or BARAC members can enjoy all Tuesday and Thursday programs with their memberships.

Another popular activity at Bothwell Arena has been roller skating, which is held one Friday per month over the summer. Young and old have been coming from all over Southwestern Ontario for this unique event.

As well, a 4 day lacrosse camp is planned for July with assistance from the Wallaceburg Red Devils organization.

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    Dave Alexander 7 years

    Which Friday do you have roller skating and what time?

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      Jackie 7 years

      Thanks for asking, Dave 

      The next BARAC roller skating night is Friday June 15th. It’s ‘80s night so patrons are encouraged to wear retro clothing if desired. July 20th and August 17th are the last two nights.

      6:30-8:30 Family skate- all ages
      8:30-10:30 Adult skate (13 & over)

      Head protection (helmet) is required for ages12 years and under and highly recommended for all ages. 

      Admission is $5 for adults, $2 for kids
      Skate rental is $3
      Family rate is $20 (includes skates!)

      Checkout BARAC- Bothwell Area Recreation Advisory Committee on Facebook for more information. 

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        kathleen cornick 6 years

        hello there roller skating Friday June 14 or Saturday June 15
        thanks kathleen

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    Jeff Slater 6 years

    If you rent roller skates, who do you get to supply them ?