Local Boy Scores Unforgettable Baskets

The St. Elizabeth basketball team – Contributed Photo
Last night I attended the KCSAC Junior Basketball Tournament at the Pines. Our grandson was playing on one of the 16 teams enrolled – for St. Elizabeth School.
I always enjoy watching any of our grandchildren participate in their chosen activities. This night held a special moment for me that I will not forget.
Also playing for the St. Elizabeth team is a young man by the name of Adam. Adam is a child with Down Syndrome. We have been fortunate to watch Adam grow along with two of our grandchildren through hockey. He was such a joy to watch – he was a great cheerleader cheering every goal, regardless of which team scored it. Adam loves to participate and does his best all the time with a huge smile.
At this tournament while St. Elizabeth was competing against Our Lady of Fatima I was watching as I normally do, then wondered, did I just see what I thought I saw.
It appeared that when Adam got the ball all the other kids (both teams) gave him his space to dribble in and take a shot.
My thoughts were confirmed when the kids repeated this same play several more times for Adam.
I was awestruck by their sportsmanship and goodwill. Any athlete while competing will always want the ball – want to make that shot. All these gentleman resisted that urge to allow Adam that same pleasure, not once, but several times.
On two of those occasions Adam sunk a basket, the crowd went wild and BOTH teams cheered louder than they did for any other basket sunk. The players looked as excited and proud as Adam did. All while Adam ran down the court with both arms raised and a huge smile on his face. – AWESOME!!!
I felt compelled to share this story because we hear so much negativity in this world – this is one of those feel good stories. It made me feel good!
I share this story also because I feel all the people involved deserve recognition for their compassion.
To the coaches/teachers of both St. Elizabeth and Our Lady of Fatima, to the players on both these teams, and to the parents of all these players, to all who have taught and instilled the qualities in these athletes that made them behave they way they did. I commend you, I am proud of you, and hope that all around you are equally as proud in the good qualities in you – keep up the good work!
If you know any of the teachers/coaches on either team, parents or players on either team, please tag them so that they and their friends and co-workers can see as well. As well as the schools and/or school board.
I have attached a team photo – not your typical team photo, but one that shows the good nature and fun spirit in these guys.
Also attached is a 2 short videos of the players allowing Adam his 15 seconds of fame. Unfortunately I did not capture either of the scoring baskets he made.
In my mind on this night Adam was the Basketball MVP – Most Valuable Person.