Wallaceburg Pool To Take Part In World’s Largest Swimming Lesson

Wallaceburg Swimming Pool
Starting at 4:30pm, free, 30-minute lessons will teach basic water safety skills and provide parents with drowning prevention information.
“In these lessons, we talk more about safety, why it’s important to be alert around water, and show participants a few basic swimming skills to rescue themselves in a risky situation,” says Nicholas Hay, Aquatics Coordinator at the Wallaceburg pool.
“It also offers a chance for those who may not have had swimming lessons to get a free lesson to see what they are all about and how to survive in the water.”
Lessons are open for children of all ages, and no past swimming experience is necessary.
Registration is required and is available at the Wallaceburg pool or by calling 519-627-1606.
The World’ss Largest Swimming Lesson is a promotional event to build awareness around the importance of teaching kids to swim to help prevent drowning. Communities and aquatic facilities all over the world participate in this one-day event to provide kids and parents exposure to life-saving water safety skills and build awareness.
This water safety event is part of a promotional campaign by CKRecreation to increase water safety awareness and help families prepare for a safe summer.
Additional upcoming events includes National Drowning Prevention Week from July 21-27.
For more information, visit www.chatham-kent.ca/recreation or www.wlsl.org.