Kaminski, Corrente Headline 2019 Chatham Hall Inductees

Adam Kaminski (centre) playing professional volleyball in Europe – Photo by Fiolek art pl
- Athlete – Modern – Adam Kaminski – volleyball player
- Athlete – Modern – David Corrente – baseball player
- Athlete – Legend – Al Bennett – hockey player
- Athlete – Legend – Jamie Jefferson – boxer
- Builder – John Dengel – golf
- Teams – 2001-2002 Chatham Outlaws Bantam AA Girls Hockey
There are six inductees this year as a result of two individuals meeting the criteria for Directors’ Choice Inductions. The Nominating Committee recommended to the Board that Jamie Jefferson be inducted because he had an excellent career as a boxer, he has been on our ballot for several years and competed in a lesser recognized sport. The Board approved this recommendation. Adam Kaminski’s accomplishments in volleyball met the Board’s criteria for an automatic induction for “Outstanding Achievement” and as a result was not required to go through the voting process.
The Annual Dinner and Induction Ceremony will take place on Thursday, September 26, 2019 at the J. D. Bradley Convention Centre on Richmond St. in Chatham. Please note that this is a new location for our event. Tickets for the dinner will go on sale on August 1st and may be purchased from any of the directors, specifically Tom Hardie (519-436-0054), Peter Cobb (519-354-8392), Mike Murphy (519-352-8698) or Don Bruner (519-352-0782). The cost is $45.00 for adults, $20.00 for children ages 5 to 12, and free for children under age 5.
The Board congratulates all six of these new inductees as well as the other individuals and teams who were nominated. All unsuccessful nominations will remain on file and will automatically be considered in succeeding years. New nominations must be submitted by May 1, 2020 to be eligible for next year’s voting. Nomination forms are available from Peter Cobb (519-354-8392) or on our website, chathamsportshalloffame.com .