5 Tips For Any Athlete To Stay On Track During COVID-19
Here are five tips Vandersluis suggests to help keep local athletes on track during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tip 1 – Stay active with your training. Peak is posting drills and programs daily to give athletes the tools they need to stay strong, fast, and explosive. If you continue to train you will reap the benefits of releasing endorphins and tapping into the incredible effect training can have beyond the physical improvements.
Tip 2 – Continue to fuel yourself with the foods that are going to coincide with your goals, and produce the energy you need to stay upbeat, and full or vigor. Reach for whole foods, and spend some time preparing and making snacks and meals that are nutritious and beneficial to your body and mind.
Tip 3 – Read. Keep your brain stimulated with challenging material. Continue learning, and refuse to let yourself settle for mundane mediocrity. Stay excited about education, whether it’s school material or something of your own interest.
Tip 4 – Create a schedule to follow daily. Remain driven to improve each day. Create a day by day account of what you want to accomplish, and the time it will take to do so. Staying ahead of each day will ensure you are utilizing your extra time to the fullest extent. Now is your time to develop great habits that will propel your to new heights!
Tip 5 – Purge your social media. I don’t know about you, but when I surround myself with people who are positive, and want to be strong leaders, it inspires me to do the same. Lose the negativity on your news feed by snoozing or deleting friends or news sources that don’t bring you up. Relish in the power of social media to socialize with the right people and those that will make you a better person.