Spencer Marcus Steps Up (To The Plate)

Spencer Marcus took a step up as he stepped up to the place this past season with the NCAA Division I Niagara University men’s baseball team.
Marcus, a Chatham product, played last year at Dodge City Community College, a Junior college in Kansas, before earning his scholarship with Niagara.
The move to Niagara was both a step up academically, and a step up athletically for Marcus.
“My first season at Niagara University was a big step not only academically but athletically,” said Marcus, “surrounded by guys that are stronger and more versatile, making it more of a challenge. Although cut short, our team was unlike no other. We had guys who would step up and guys who would keep the energy going, everyone was a factor in our success.”
Marcus developed not only on the field, where he hit .238 with 2 RBIs in 12 games for the Niagara Purple Eagles, but he also developed off the field with the changes the move from Kansas to New York state challenged the social studies major.
“The transition from Dodge City to Niagara was a challenge, but one that needed to happen,” Marcus explained. “From the middle of no where to an area that was higher populated was something to get use to, it made me step out of my comfort zone and put myself out there to make new friends and develop relationships with guys who have the same intentions.”
Like many athletes however, Marcus’ experience at Niagara University and at the NCAA level was unexpectedly cut short this season due to COVID-19.
“My thought when I found out the bulk of my season was cancelled was “is this really happening?” I never thought in a million years that this would be the reason the season was cancelled. It’s like it’s all a dream, but not one that I would like to dream about.”
After his initial shock and disappointment, Marcus’ focus turned, like all good athletes should, toward his offseason preparation, so that he can take an even larger step in his own game next season with Niagara University.
“With the off-season starting so early I’ve already took action to build up and get into shape for summer baseball. Although we are stuck inside not being able to go to a gym, I have been working with what I have to make the most of my workouts. I’m hoping to get a jump on others that have took this time to relax and lay low while I get at it in the workout room.”