Council Considering Renaming St. Clair Ball Diamonds “Bob Weedon Field”

St. Clair College Ball Diamonds, potentially to be named Bob Weedon Field

Below is information posted by the Municipality of Chatham-Kent regarding a potential renaming of the Ball Diamonds at St. Clair College to “Bob Weedon Field.”

The Municipality of Chatham-Kent has received a renaming application from the Maple City Slo Pitch League to rename the St. Clair College – Chatham Campus Ball Diamonds to the Bob Weedon Field.

The Maple City Slo Pitch League has provided the following rational for the renaming:

Bob Weedon has been an outstanding member of the Chatham- Kent community for 50+ years. Bob has made significant contributions to the Chatham-Kent sports landscape through his decades of work with Maple City Slo Pitch, Slo Pitch Ontario and the numerous coaching, umpiring and executive roles he has held over the past 40 years. 2019 marked the final year for Bob as President of Maple City Slo Pitch, a role that he held since 1978. We feel that this nomination is a testament to the spirit of excellence and extraordinary community service that Bob has provided over the year. Please refer to the attached letter from the Maple City Slo Pitch executive that further details Bob’s achievements and awards and the reasons for this nomination.

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