Joe Perry, the Six Marathon Man — Part 3

In a six-part series on CKSN, Wallaceburg native Joe Perry will chronicle the journey of how he “accidentally” competed in six major marathons that spanned three continents.

Joe Perry. (Contributed photo)

By Joe Perry

As you probably know, the World’s Toughest Mudder is my biggest race of the year. It is my primary focus. I discovered that having a marathon under my belt a few weeks before the race is great training.

In the fall of 2018, I was sniffing around for another marathon. I almost signed up for the Detroit Marathon. It isn’t far from home and I had previously run the half marathon there. But before I registered, Wes Harding stepped in and intervened in my life once again.

He suggested that I look into the Chicago Marathon because I probably had a qualifying time that would get me in. And yup, he was right. The day before the registration window closed, I applied and got accepted.

Finally, I had some great race weather and I ran a PB 3:21, which would qualify me for Boston 2020. Yippee!

It was an added bonus bumping into Haley Walker after the race as we shuffled out, wearing our space blankets. We couldn’t have timed that any better.

After this race, Wes pointed out that I was halfway through the six world major marathons.

The what?? That’s a thing?? Where are the other three???

You probably see where this is going.

Stay tuned for Part 4 of Joe’s six-part series.

To read the previous articles in the series, click on the links below:

Part 1
Part 2

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