Joe Perry, the Six Marathon Man — Part 5

In a six-part series on CKSN, Wallaceburg native Joe Perry will chronicle the journey of how he “accidentally” competed in six major marathons that spanned three continents.

Joe Perry (right) (Contributed Photo)

I needed to figure out a way to fit New York into my schedule. That marathon is the first weekend of November. The World’s Toughest Mudder (WTM) is also in early November.

Since time travel and cloning weren’t great options, how could I do both in one year?

As luck would have it, in 2019, New York was two weeks before WTM! I had just enough time to recover from Berlin for New York and then recover from New York for WTM.

Perfect! I didn’t need to borrow Bill and Ted’s phone booth.

Just to be safe, I didn’t push too hard in the New York marathon. I enjoyed the sights of the city. I finished comfortably with a 3:48. More importantly, unlike after most of my marathons, I walked away like a normal human being. I was good to go for WTM.

Now I had New York checked off the list, there was one more major marathon to go.

Stay tuned for the final part of Joe’s six-part series.

To read the previous articles in the series, click on the links below:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

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