Dr. Jack Parry Award Nominees — Grace deBakker

Leading up to the annual Dr. Jack Parry Awards ceremony on June 15, CKSN will celebrate Chatham-Kent’s top student-athletes by featuring each local school’s nominees for 2023.

Grace deBakker

Grace deBakker is a standout in the classroom, on the playing field and as a member of the community of Wallaceburg.

Grace led her volleyball, basketball, curling, badminton and soccer teams in a Tartan uniform. Grace received “Rookie of the Year” recognition in Grade 9 and the “Career Contribution to Athletics” award in Grade 12. She has received MVP and Coaches Choice awards as a tribute to her dedication and leadership.

Grace is a volunteer at her church, plays an active role in Wallaceburg minor basketball and tutors youth in the community. She is an outstanding role model for incoming Tartan student-athletes. Grace maintained an exceptional average of 97% during her high school career.

Since 1994, Chatham Kent has recognized the top male and female graduating student athletes in each school. At the annual ceremony recognizing these top graduates, one male and one female are awarded the Dr. Parry Award along with a post secondary scholarship.

The award recognizes a balanced high degree of athletic ability, scholastic excellence, and contributions outside of the classroom to the school and community — a balance Dr. Parry himself embodied during his illustrious life.

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